Complete Guide for GPU setup on Ubuntu system for deep learning. Installation of NVIDIA-Driver,NVCC,CUDA, CUDNN.
Incase of any queries mail to
We have 4 major components to be completed for the installation.
- Installation of NIVIDIA-DRIVER
- Installation of NVCC
- Installation Of CUDA
- Installation of CUDNN
- The NVIDIA Driver is the software driver for NVIDIA Graphics GPU installed on the PC.
- It is a program used to communicate from the OS to the device.
- This software is required in most cases for the hardware device to function properly.
What is NVCC ??
- The GPU code is implemented as a collection of functions in a language that is essentially C++.
- For Compilation we use NVCC. It is Nvidia Cuda Compiler.
What is Cuda ??
- Compute Unified Device Architecture proposed by NVIDIA for general purpose programming using GPU.
- It is a parallel computing platform and API from NVIDIA that lets developers use languages they are familiar with — C, C++ to build general purpose applications for graphics processing units.
What is CUDNN ??
- NVIDIA CUDA Deep Neural Network library (cuDNN) is a GPU-accelerated library of primitives for deep neural networks.
- It allows them to focus on training neural networks and developing software applications rather than spending time on low-level GPU performance
Major Doubt —
Nvidia-smi shows CUDA version, but CUDA is not installed ??
- Be aware that the CUDA VERSION displayed by nvidia-smi associated with newer drivers is the DRIVER API COMPATIBILITY VERSION.
- It does not indicate anything at all about what CUDA version is actually installed.
- For example: A 410.72 driver will display CUDA VERSION 10.0 even when no CUDA toolkit is installed.
- For NVIDIA-DRIVER installation :
Command : sudo apt install nvidia-driver-455
Most of the cases it comes default with the installation of OS. If not we can also install from the Ubuntu Software manager . Generally its better install the latest version based on the compatibility. Once the driver is installed restart the system.
command : nvidia-smi
This command should work now.
2. For NVCC installation :
Command : sudo apt-get install nvidia-tool-kit
After the installation,
Comamand : nvcc — — version
- Above command is nvcc double hiphen.
Should work giving the version of the compiler being used.
3. Cuda installation:
- Navigate to

- Select the parameters based on your PC and OS.
- In my case , instructions . Understand them before use
- Navigate to
- While installation [x] means select. Use enter in key-board for this.
- Except the driver, install all if the driver is already installed.

- You will find these post installation instructions . Execute these commands.
CUDNN Installation :-
- Navigate to

- Click on Download CuDNN.
- Login to the page. Set the login things up . Those are simple. You can also login with google account.

- You will get this page . Click on the download you want. Iam using ubuntu 20 clicking on the first Download link.

- Download these three. These will change on your ubuntu version. Search based on your os version and install.
- sudo dpkg -i libcudnn8_8.1.1.33–1+cuda11.2_amd64.deb
- Run this command for the run time version for de-packaging debian file.
- The above command will change in your case based on the os version file you have installed.
- sudo dpkg -i libcudnn8-dev_8.1.1.33–1+cuda11.2_amd64.deb
- Run this command for the developer version for de-packaging debian file.
- The above command will change in your case based on the os version file you have installed.
Restart the system . Everything should work fine. Incase any queries send a email . Or post a response here.